The debate about Law of Attraction can be found all the way back to the 19th century and like all pseudo-spiritual and spiritual movements the debate about Law of Attraction did not come from channeled entities.
Thomas Troward started the New Thought Movement in the 19th century in the United States and had a strong influence on the movement. He claimed that the thought process of a person precedes all physical form and hence the mind’s action can plant the nucleus which if it's allowed to possess an undisturbed growth will eventually attract all the necessary circumstances for outward
Like Attracts Like Between 1900 and 1911 James Allen another English New Thought
writer wrote a series of articles and books which were continued by
his wife Lily Allen. In 1902 James Allen published one of his best-
known articles, “As a Man Thinketh”. This formed the basis of the
New Thought Movement within the early 1900's. William Walker
Atkinson in 1906 started using the phrase ‘like attracts like’ in one among
his famous books,
Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the
Thought World. These articles started the basis for the debate about
Law of Attraction being revived and therefore the revival continued when
Elizabeth Towne summarized the principal of the Law of Attraction
by stating that a person is what he or she thinks and not what he or
she thinks is. Wallace D.
Wattles is one of the early authors of the New Thought
Movement and also on the Law of Attraction when he wrote that
things are often made up of brooding about them. He also wrote that our
thought process is actually a substance which can help in the outer
manifestation of things, but to do so a person must transcend to the
creative mind from the competitive mind. This principle was supported by quantum physics when Neil Bohr
discovered that energy can be in the form of a particle or a wave.
Moreover, energy is totally hooked in to the expectations of the
observer. During this point , Napoleon Hill published two of his
famous books, the Law of Success in 16 Lessons and Think and Grow
These two books went on to become some of the bestselling
books of all times which discussed the importance of controlling a
person's thought process in order to be successful in life.
Napoleon Hill suggested that the secret to achieving success is by attracting
positivity and success into one's life by actually brooding about
positive happenings and success. In 1937 Israel Regardie published several books on the concept of
Law of Attraction as having a biblical basis and one such book, ‘The
Art of True Healing’ teaches the reader about using the technique of
focused meditation to help healing of the mind at a spiritual and
physical level. Regardie suggest that Law of Attraction are often wont to
attract good physical health and is also applicable in the pursuit of
success in several aspects of life.